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Monday, September 24, 2012

New School for Lance

Monday was Lance's 1st day at his "New School!" We have been talking to him about it and prepping him for it... and finally the day arrived. He wasn't so sure about it as we got things ready the night before and even the morning of he said he wanted to go his old school and play with Lawson.....

We decided that maybe he could take a snack to his new friends! So we stopped at the grocery store and he got to pick out some fruit snacks to take to school (Jake and the Neverland Pirates, the new favorite this week!). He put them in his new Chicago Bears backpack, and he was then excited to get going! The first week of drop offs - NO TEARS - Really? He was a little clingy and I had to stay and assure  him all was well for a few minutes a couple days, but he did so well. I was so proud of him! The teacher told me after his first day that he was one of the most polite 3 year olds she had ever known.... that sure makes us feel good!

So, I wanted a picture of him on his first day in front of the front door, but BOY was it bright out!!!

 The intent for this photo, was to photoshop in " 1st day of pre-school" and the date. So I grabbed the first picture frame available. And it was a photo of Cooper. Well, since Lance got a picture with Cooper, he then wanted a picture with Daisy too..... (What I love about this photo, is Daisy in the background looking out the window!)
 Lance and his Daisy - Daisy is ready to take off after something....
 So we went inside where it was less bright! Lance wanted to sit.....
 And Chase wanted to be near his brother, as always!!!!!
After school we took advantage of the great weather and played outside. Chase just loves the slide.
 BIG Brother giving a little push.
 Pretty sure I have counted 5 dog beds, nice comfortable fluffy dog beds around the house..... placed in the perfect dog appropriate places. And this is where I find Daisy, like a cat. This is will be the last of this hopefully.....

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Quick trip to play with cousins

Being home means we can make easy play dates with cousins. Since Dad was out of town, we made a quick day trip to play with the Belcher cousins!! It couldn't have been a more beautiful, perfect, relaxing day to spend with my sister and the cousins!

This new blog update is giving me some difficulty with changing photo sizes and moving photos around, so these are a bit out of order.....

This is Lance ALL cashed out within 5 minutes of leaving Aunt Jaymi's house!

Lance and his cousins found some awesome sticks on our little walk....
The skateboard ramp was a pretty cool slide too!
This picture is extremely large, but I can't get it to shrink.... Chase sharing a snack with Sydni!
Jake giving Chase a little push on the swing. I barely had to push the stroller since all of the cousins wanted a turn pushing him!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Happy Birthday Chase - #1

Although Dad was out of town for Chase's 1st birthday, we still celebrated this very special day. So hard to believe that one year has already passed. Time sure does fly..... This isn't the official 1 year update, just a few pics of birthday pancakes and a birthday cupcake!

I started the tradition with Lance of birthday pancakes for breakfast to start the day, so the tradition continues..... with M&M's on top of course!
 Chase must be picking up on things he sees his brother do.... he did not want to share his pancakes off his tray with Lance.
 We play peek a boo with a wash cloth, and Chase was trying to play peek a boo with his pancake! LOL
 Of course Lance wanted to play too!
 He didn't dig right in....we had to help.
 He didn't like getting messy, but had fun trying to get everyone else all messy.
 Love this moment of the boys reading books with Grandma and Grandpa!
 Grandma MaryAnn and the boys before bedtime.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Celebrating John Deere

We had the opportunity to celebrate the 175th Anniversary of John Deere (100th Anniversary for Harvester) the weekend after we moved in. It was quite the BIG celebration..... Tons of kid activities, popcorn, cotton candy, tattoos, great food... and what beautiful weather for an outdoor event!

Lance wasn't so sure about getting a tattoo, so Mom, Dad and Chase all got one to show him it was no big deal...... Lance thought it tickled. LOL
 Finally, before we left, he decided he should get one too, to match Mommy's of course!!!!
 Dad and the boys in front of all the AMAZING jump jumps, that for whatever reason Lance wasn't too excited about. Ahhh, the fun of having a 3 year old!

Friday, September 14, 2012

New Neighborhood Park

We are so excited that there is a nice little park very close to our new house! A nice short walk or wagon ride on a beautiful day.... swings, slides, pavilion.

This was Chase's very first time riding in a wagon! I think he would have spent all day riding in it, just chilled out!

 Backwards hats!
 Enjoying a snack... Lance is being a nice big brother and sharing his applesauce with Chase.
 Chase LOVES the little snack pouches of mixed fruits and veggies.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

the MOVE

I am way behind on blogging, but wanted to at least get a few of these pics from the move posted..... The move went as smooth as it possibly could have. Thanks to having family, parents and grandparents around to help out! Lance is as excited as can be for the new house, but is still not so sure he wants to give up his old house and old friends, especially his buddy Lawson :-(

Don't let this picture fool you - We didn't have to lift a finger for the move...... this is Keegan lifting an empty box....
Lance and drive Terry! Lance was thrilled to be able to check out the movign truck.
Boxes, boxes, boxes.... these boys thought it was Christmas!!!
And I even built them something extra special out of the boxes - their own new little house! Door, windows, mailbox, secret exits, and flower boxes to top it off!
Waiting for the last of the boes to be unloaded so we can begin unpacking
The place we will call home....

Chase LOVES all the empty cabinets.... enjoy it while you can buddy!