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Wednesday, March 26, 2014

where did MARCH go???

Ok, again I admit I am just not on top of these blog posts.... and it saddens me. I look back over the past several years, able to see the boys grow before my eyes, post after post....and as I look at photos and read my own words I smile, remembering those moments..... so I will continue. Time is too precious and goes by too quickly and I know I will forget, some things I will be ok with forgetting ("keep your hands to yourself, that's not nice, please share with your brother, don't bite, please stop, sit down, use your quiet voice, eat your dinner, you get what you get and you don't throw a fit, no you can't have candy for breakfast, are you listening"... and the list goes on and on....)

But then there are the things I really WILL miss:

  • Like being the only one that can decipher Chase's language (OLK, for cold, his word for ambulance - I can't spell it, bet he can though!) 
  • Lance singing the Fireman Sam song or Let it Go - VERY LOUDLY, his only volume.
  • The cuteness of both of the boys attempting to snap and whistle. Seriously, they think they have both down, but the whistle is nothing like a whistle and those little fingers just aren't strong enough to snap - Oh, but I love it! 
  • Their dance moves.... I can't repeat them and if I could, nobody would be watching, but them moving like they do can bring a BIG smile to my face. 
  • Chase carrying around his baby doll, talking to it in the sweetest, caring voice "you go sleep, OK?" Then singing twinkle twinkle little star - melts the heart OVER & OVER & OVER....
  • There have been days I think I might rather head into an office, have that business type responsibility.... but then I remember I would have to actually wake up and get ready REALLY early AND..... I wouldn't get to start my day by reading endless books and watching endless Disney Junior with two precious boys by my side in bed. I'm lucky, I really am!!
  • The days will end when the Disney movies just aren't cool anymore... so I must say, I will really miss watching Toy Story, Monsters Inc, CARS, Nemo. Disney movies really are enjoyable to watch as an adult.
  • The tiny toddler voice - Chase just started the "why and why not?" questions about EVERYTHING. Is it annoying... yes, sometimes, but damn is it ever adorable, especially the way he says it "Why not, Mom?" (And yes, he's moved to Mom, not Mommy - ***sigh***
  • Playing games with Lance. He LOVES, and I mean LOVES his games. We just finished his Who's Behind the Door stretch (like Guess Who) and we probably played it well over 100 times in a month, seriously. And although I sometimes didn't want to play, I am SOOO going to miss him asking me to play a game with him, when he would rather go up to his bedroom and listen to music and not be near me, so I MUST remind myself of that, often! 
  • Chase talking in his bed in the morning and after nap time. Roaring like a monster one minute then singing Happy Birthday to you the next. Yes, the toddler voice, again, going to miss it like crazy. Because it's just so sweet and innocent. 

Quite sure I could go on and on about the things I will miss, but honestly, it's making me a little sad..... So, here are the March quick pictures for the monthly calendar.
 Then we headed to the little pond, right near our picture spot and got a couple more fun ones :-) Can't complain - the perfect day for me - a nice sunny day, with my boys, outdoors and getting to take pictures. My heart is so peaceful thinking about this day.

Sweet brother moments.... Chase MUST do everything his big brother does, even if his hands don't reach! This picture capture so many emotions...
 Lance has been very interested in getting behind the camera when I'm taking pictures, so I let him have a stab at it (as nervous as I was to let him handle expensive equipment) He saw just how difficult it is to get a toddler to look at the camera (I can still remember him chanting, "Chase, buddy, look at me - CHASE, you're not looking at the camera!!!" ) Seriously, funny stuff.
 Oh, but I got him to look...... after I handed him a stick, a boy and his stick.
 Lance posing it up!
 Nothing like your toes dangling in the water..... ahhhh.....
 He loves that hoodie :-)