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Friday, April 11, 2014

Backbone - its CAMPING time

FIRST camping trip of the year - Easter Weekend! A tad chilly, but perfect for a campfire! I'm not sure if the boys or Keegan and I were more excited.... We can't get enough of the good old outdoors.

We ventured a couple hours away to Strawberry Point - Backbone state Park in IA and we were THE ONLY ONES to be found. Lance had a bit of a cold and the medicine we were able to find in town was not the flavor he preferred so that would be the one memory I will take away from this weekend, no doubt!

 Painting Easter Eggs of course (without the vinegar the colors aren't too bright!) But the Easter Bunny didn't mind, he still found us.

 Caves, woods, hiking........ is this heaven?

 Lance getting into the picture taking too!
 And even a beach to get a little sand action and toes in the water!