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Sunday, April 14, 2013

Back to KC

After making the trip from KC to the QC 6-10 times each year for the past 5 years - the trip hasn't been made in about 6 months. I was a bit worried that the boys were out of practice and it might not be so much fun, however much to my surprise, they were great little car travelers as they have been in the past. A couple of side notes on that subject though (that bring joyous smiles to my face) Chase is talking up a storm these days, a lot more sounds than words. SO for at least 30 minutes, and I am not exaggerating here, his sounds rotated from the Semi truck HONK HONK sound, to the Firetruck Woo Woo sound, to the Car or truck Beep Beep sound.Oh and Melmo and LaLaLa thrown in there too. Keegan and I could not stop smiling and chuckling. He wasn't being bad, he wasn't crying, he just didn't stop making noises. And apparently Lance has reached the beginning of the "are we there yet" age. He went in spurts with asking that question along with making it known that Kansas City takes a really long time to get to.

Our first stop was Lance's old "school" day care to see his best buddy Lawson....  but with much disappointment Lawson was out sick on that day. BIG bummer. Lance did get to see other friends and teachers AND the new school pet! He still remembered his teachers and friends names and it was like he was just there yesterday. We sure do miss that place.
Our friends Dave and Benno were nice enough to let us stay with them and even hosted a little get together at their house, where we got to catch up with our long lost and missed neighbors. A huge thanks to them for their hospitality. Lance and Chase got to stay in a room with about 20 elmos - wish I would have took a picture, it was pretty funny seeing them all lined up on the dressers and in the bed with Lance. And on a side note, Chase's cast fell of about 20 minutes after we arrived as he climbed the stairs. We panicked at first, but Keegan hit CVS and we cleaned them up good and he didn't seem to be bothered at all....
Saturday morning we visited our other neighbors and Lance and Chase's buddies! We're really going to miss growing up across the street from them.
Then it was off to Lance's other request for the trip down to KC - Deanna Rose of course!
And as the boys napped in the car, we went on a hunt for a couple of toys - yes toys. I can't believe we have become "those" parents traveling to the end of the earth to find those last toys to complete a toy collection for our 3.5 year old :-) BUT, Mom hit the jackpot - probably would have been funny to have me on camera as I turned the corner of the isle to see the forever viewed toys from YouTube and Amazon - Rescue Bot Transformers of course!!!! We gave one to him that weekend and then held on to the others for his birthday or another special occasion. I guess living in a bigger city does give you more options for some things.......

I spent Saturday night with one of my best friends from KC, Shannon! At the AMAZING Bon Jovi concert in a suite, fully stocked with adult beverages. And on Sunday I probably wasn't feeling quite as excited - so much for breakfast and family pictures with neighbor Jerry. I have definitely had that much to drink before but I don't think it's ever hit me the way it did this time - perhaps I'm just getting old :-) Not only was I miserable but we then had to travel 6 hours back in the car.. UGH. What's the word that comes after miserable? Keegan had to pull over for me, and then I had to leave Bass Pro Shops, with a very concerned 3 year old, to get sick in the parking lot. "Mommy, you just drink some water and you not get sick anymore, OK!" Great advice Lance, great advice!

 Keegan didn't want to miss this opportunity I guess - LOL! Although it wasn't funny, it is kind of funny I guess.

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