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Tuesday, July 16, 2013

A July summer day

A quick post from the old iPhone (trying out the blogger app again)

Just a fun summer day with the boys! Lance at bug camp while Mom and Chase hang out, then some museum fun for all! Chase is starting to dig the trains!
Lance in his bug shirt that Grandma had for his special week of bug camp! 
Chase's favorite at the museum is visiting the "tuhtuh" as he calls it! But he still is in love with his "fa pas" or firetrucks for the rest of us. 
Had fun in the art studio with some molding clay - Lance was excited to make ( or watch Mom make that is) Mike from Monsters Inc. Chase stayed busy for a few minutes until he decided to flirt with the student helper... Over and over again :-)
They had fun playing in the grocery store together today.

Chase and I enjoyed a bike ride together to Whiteys for a Popsicle, while Lance joined Dad for a dinner date! And Chase was excited to have the bath ALL to himself tonight for a change- all smiles :-)

And that's a quick wrap on this July summer day with the boys ( I may have left out the whining, crying, fighting part.... But that's all just known, right?!)

Sunday, July 7, 2013

4th of July

Since I am so far behind on blog posts, and playing catch up - the comments will be kept lite, letting the pictures re-create the memories (although I tend not to take pictures of whining, crying, sad children, I re-assure you those moments DO in fact exist)

First, the annual Red, White and Blue 4th of July photo session for Mom.... I'm telling you - trying to be a photographer AND a Mom really doesn't work. These boys do NOT like it when I get out the "Big Guns" Which is why most pictures of them are from the iPhone! I got a couple keepers, but it did take some candy bribing to get just these.....

 Cheeser Chase
 Serious Chase...
 Munchin on some bribery skittles :-)
 Goofy Brothers!

We made our annual, traditional 4th of July trip as well - different location - same friends (although I didn't manage to get lots of pics of everyone this time around.....) Lance couldn't wait to get on that boat ride. When you tell an almost 4 year old they are going to do something fun, probably a good idea to wait until 5 minutes prior to the event to tell them...... "When are we going on the boat - I'm just ready to go on the boat!"