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Saturday, August 24, 2013

Holy BATMAN, Lance is 4 years old!

Wow, 4 years, passed by JUST like that! I don't even remember what our lives consisted of before Lance came into this world. He is one talkative, LOUD, fun-loving, compassionate, dramatic, goofy, consistent little boy. As I reflect and think only about what comes to mind when I think about Lance, all I can think about is that you watch him and see exactly what it looks like to just LOVE life. Almost all of the time (not 100% because he is a typical 4 year old) he just takes what is happening and enjoys it to its fullest. You give him a beach ball and the kid can laugh and giggle and find something fun to do with it (again, most of the time)

He loves his little brother to pieces. A new routine at nap and bedtime is for Lance to give Chase a hug and kiss - talk about heart melting moments as a Mom :-) On the other hand, those two just KNOW how to push each others buttons. They know exactly how to get that scream, cry or whine in an instant....... But then I see them play together and giggle (and try to talk too) and I wonder how I can freeze moments in time? I would be the richest person on earth if I came up with that miraculous formula, right?

I really need to start one of those quote books, because the questions and phrases a 4 year old comes up with can create smiles and change your mood in an instant........ He's so curious and so smart. This kid remembers the smallest details and events from 2 years ago. He hears everything and soaks it ALL in.

My favorite part of the day is still our nighttime prayers where Lance will thank God for 2 things (sometimes more) each night. His frequent prayers are for his cozy bed and "you, Mommy!" But I love hearing him come up with things from the day (trips to the Zoo, playing in the sprinkler, library books, his chicken noodle soup!)  These creative minds and young innocent hearts - I wish I could wrap them up and keep them locked away.

Sad and happy - I'll never get these 4 years back, but I can reflect on what he has brought to our lives in 4 years. Some challenging and exhausting days, no doubt - but really those compare nothing to the days that he has created smiles and that warm/chilling feeling on the heart. I can describe it no other way. It's just that feeling of "I am so blessed and lucky to be given these moments" with one happy, healthy, delightful little boy.

Below are some fun pictures of Lance as Batman exploring downtown, watching for villains. :-) He had so much fun - ALL smiles.

Happy 4th birthday Lance! Thank you for 4 years of daily entertainment and life fulfillment. I love you more than YOU love going to look at Batman toys at Target and Wal-Mart :-) And that is a LOT of LOVE right now, let me just tell you!

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