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Friday, February 14, 2014

the KEY to my heart

How is it possible for such little people to fill up so much of my heart? They can frustrate me as quickly as a glass of milk spills (which happens daily right now it seems) But then warm my heart immediately with a smile, a word, a question, a dance move, a hug and even a kiss! These growing, busy, loud, energetic, smart, fun, boys so easily forgive and forget any fault of mine and have an abundance of love to give.... and I am the lucky one that gets a large amount of it right now!

And yes, I have another key to my heart, held by Keegan of course! (not sure he's as easily bribed by a lollipop for a photo with a key!) It is so touching to see the reciprocal love between him and the boys. The way they cheer when he walks in the door and the way they pile on him for a good wrestle (because Mom just isn't as good at that) Or even watching him secretly "snooze" while they watch a television show.
Crazy to think where/when our love for each other began near 18 years ago - and how that love has expanded from our hearts to theirs. Really, love is a cool thing. And it feels so wonderful!

When I took these pics (maybe 2 weeks ago) This was where their LOVE was in the toy department. LEGOS for Lance and trains for Chase. And although they do still enjoy playing with these, they have already moved onto to loving all things Monsters University!

And this is REALLY how the attempt for the photo of them with the key went down, in case you ever wonder... First, Lance wants to walk 50 ft further in the deep snow to take the picture in a specific spot (OK, sure if you are into this and will enjoy it better 50 ft over there, lets do it) And then he won't stand still because he has to, ya know.... yep, you guessed it. SO there we are knee deep in snow behind a rock making yellow snow (which he thought was really cool by the way - I can't stop from smiling)

Then all Chase wants to do is pick up snow.... except his hands turn cold pretty quickly and the tears start to flow.

SO we head back to the car, to the original bench and I ask for one more attempt. But then Lance said the sun was making his eyes tired and he needed to close them.....
And looking back, although I didn't end up with what I had in mind, I love what we created. I even got our quick monthly February calendar picture in too! All for the cost of a lollipop :-) And maybe some skittles.
Happy Valentine's Day - may your hearts be filled with LOVE.

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