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Monday, June 30, 2014

6 months

6 months, half a year..... crazy how my day to day thoughts and actions make it feel as though time slowly ticks by, but when I reflect and look back through photos (memories) I realize just how quickly those 6 months fly by! I am guilty of wishing away time - the "oh I can't wait for when...." thoughts.

When it's January and cold and we've watched too much television I long for a glimpse of sun, and weather that lets us camp, visit parks, pools and the zoo! And now it is July and although I still am loving the fresh air and sitting on the deck at any given time..... I do long just a bit for our "routine"

These boys keep me in check. They remind me often to live in the moment- put down the phone, forget about dishes and laundry and to just play, read, watch a show, go for a walk.....

I do miss some of the aspects of "job" life, but I feel so incredibly fortunate to have these days watching my boys grow! 

Here are the first 6 months of pics at our same bench at the park - can you tell which month was their favorite, and probably mine too!!!! 

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