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Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Ready or Not......

The day has arrived, his first day of Kindergarten! We talked for weeks about this day (and during the summer months I realized that we both were really ready for this) That being said, it doesn't keep the emotions from catching one off-guard! Was I sad? Not really - is that bad? They were those "tears of JOY" The tears where you feel this excitement for them, you can feel their energy and happiness but you also worry just a little that you did everything you could to prepare them and hope that they will just be OK! And I knew deep down he would be ok ( I mean this is my super social, talk to anyone, make friends anywhere, go with the flow, ask questions anywhere you go LANCE! How can he NOT be ok?) And the emotions are also those of "letting go"...... I'm leaving it all in the hands of him, his teachers and his friends. For 7 hours plus a day he makes his own decisions and I'm not there to remind him to be kind, be careful, eat his healthy foods first (and he didn't in case you were wondering.... LOL! He ate his yogurt and 2 Oreo cookies), etc.

He hugged me tight goodbye and had the biggest smile on his face, ready to start a new day and a new year. And that is what got me the most - that BIG, happy, "I got this Mom" smile :-)

And when he came charging down the stairs of the bus after school, the smile might have been even bigger! We (and really I mean HE) talked for 30 minutes straight about every detail of his day and I smiled listening the entire time - this is beautiful - everything about it!

 The neighborhood has this amazingly cool 1st day of school bus party and I think the parents are just as excited as the kiddos! It was a WONDERFUL surprise!
 (We did these the night before, so we wouldn't have to take away from the fun of the first morning!)

"Ahhhhh!!!!! The bus is here!!!!"

Chase asked about Lance ALL DAY LONG - we had a fun date day, the two of us, which kept my mind occupied. What better place than the Zoo with this adorable  little guy.

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