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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

1st Playdate

Lance stayed home from school for his friend Liam to come over and play for the morning. He really enjoyed having someone his age to play with his toys, but he still has some work to do on that sharing concept.... slowly getting better.

A few pics from the fun morning. I think I had just as much fun watching him interact and play as the two of them had. Chase wanted in on some of the action too of course.

They played with everything from puzzles, to action heros and enjoyed snack, lunch, and a little craft! And Liam helped Lance decorate his little CHristmas tree in his room.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

CHASE - 13 & 14 months

Quite behind on the updates... Geesh. You would think I have ALL the time in the world still not working! I have been keeping my notes, so although I didn't post on the 13 month, I have my notes and did take some pictures.

Chase, at 13 months YOU:
  • Are no longer taking bottles.... Not sure how it happened. You stopped drinking much at all at bedtime, and loved the sippy cup at meal and snack times, so it somehow just happened! Sad, but really won't complain about not having to wash out bottles anymore.
  • Can take several steps on your own, but still like to crawl to where you want to go.
  • Seem to have taken up WHINING - ugh. Please start using words little man. Just a few so I know how to make the whining stop. :-) Thank You!
  • Think it is GREAT fun to throw your sippy cup overboard like 20 times at every snack and meal. LOL. Yah, real funny. We have tried everything, and I mean EVERYTHING. Yelling, not saying anything, just putting it back on your tray, tying it to a strap.... Cup Overboard. And Lance is trying to tell you that it's no good too!
  • Are an AMAZING little sleeper and for that Mom and Dad thank you dearly. Still on two naps a day. Ready for bed by 6:30-6:45. Up around 7. Maybe will cry out for a few minutes in the night, but can generally get yourself back to sleep once you find those pacifiers in the crib!
  • LOVE LOVE LOVE your Daisy! (See sweet pictures below)
  • Play this little game with me in the car - I say AH HA - and you repeat, getting louder and louder.... and you giggle in between too - Just thinking about this brings a smile to my face.
  • Attempt to climb into ANYTHING and everything you can. Drawers and boxes especially.
  • Just like to make noise (see picture below) This toy has temporarily been put up....
  • Help me blow on your food to cool it off, and often spit on it as well.
  • Pretend many different toys are phones and hold it up to your ear and start jabbering away.
  • Purse your lips together and blow to make an elephant noise. Say Ah, Ah for monkey and Mmmm for cow.
  • Can clearly say: Ball- Well, Ba anyway.And When I say ready, set.... you finish with GO!
  • Have added the "Please" sign to your sign language.
  • Are one busy, but VERY happy little boy. Although I get tired and frustrated at times, I am enjoying this extra time at home with you at this age.



At 14 Months YOU:

  • Have discovered the trash can, and like to pull things out of it when it gets full... UGH again. Mommy will learn.
  • Are WALKING everywhere. I guess it truly does happen overnight. You were taking several steps here and there on your own and loved to push around the dump trucks and other walkers. And then BOOM, just like that, you barely crawl at all.
  • Have added BA-BA to your Bye-Bye wave. Pretty cute at the grocery store, especially when you will follow it up with blowing a kiss :-)
  • do NOT want to be placed in your car seat most days..... I dread taking Lance to school, because I know of the battle you will fight. You want to stand and arch your back. And giggle the entire time - really, not funny. Again, Mom will learn a trick!
  • Head for the stairs any chance you get. You do GREAT climbing up, but we need a little more practice coming down backwards on your belly.
  • Are starting to like books much more. Pointing and jibber jabbering. You'll bring me a book, turn around and back your little bottom up to my lap - I must never forget this memory - LOVE it!
  • Realized you can spin in circles. You do it standing up and sitting down - always with a HUGE grin on your face.
  • Have NO patience when it is time to eat. When I start making food, you want it NOW, not in 2 or 5 or 10 minutes....
  • Sway back and forth and do a little dance when you hear music - so FUN
  • Still prefer 2 naps. I tried to condense to one, knowing if you were in daycare you would only have one, and you're about that age. But We are both better off if you take 2. A short one in the morning and the long in the afternoon.
  • Give a high five every time I come to get you out of your carseat.
  • Have 8 teeth. 4 on bottom and top - with the cutest little space between the top two!
  • Are starting to be able to identify parts of the face: Nose, Eyes, Mouth. I think you know what they all are, but you especially love poking me in the eye.
  • Like to brush your teeth like you BIG brother.
  • Still love your fruits, but aren't much of a veggie fan - I sneak them in here and there.
  • I think you are starting to like to take things from Lance, just to see his reaction... hmmm.....
  • Are SO MUCH FUN and couldn't get much happier. Although you really aren't a fan of me leaving the room (probably because we spend so much time together these days) We need to work on that.
A fun little photo-shoot a few days before 14 months. Gorgeous weather, Breakfast together at Panera and shopping at the Village of East Davenport. Doesn't get much more fun than that!

 "Mom, please don't make me wear this hat!"

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Gant Road Trip

Text message from Bryon on Saturday afternoon .... Road trip to Peoria to have drinks for Liz's birthday?

And because we are now back in the QC, and I have a very nice husband.... Why not?

It was a great evening to hang out with my brothers and sisters, have a few drinks and sing and dance with the band! Bummed that Keegan couldn't just hop in the car and come too, but I think he enjoyed a nice quiet evening at home to himself.

A few pictures to remember the evening... All on the iPhone so a bit blurry, but you get the picture of what our night was like!

Hottie Sisters.....LOL

Friday, November 16, 2012

we LOVE the park

And what great weather we have had to make several visits to the park. I get camera crazy (well iPhone camera crazy) at the park.... just a few captures of the fun times the boys have at a visit to the park!

Oh, on weekends, we run our errands first - If they make "good choices" then we treat them to the park.

 My boys having fun on the slide....
 My little walker, enjoying the nature walk, across the bridge.
 Checking out a very cool tree.
 And climbing our way UP the tree too of course.
 EVERYTHING in the mouth.... when does this stage end again?
 Brother teaching him how to climb up the slides - "this is how you do it Chasers!"

Sunday, November 11, 2012


Our weekend getaway to celebrate our 10 Year Anniversary - a little trip to Chicago. We had an AMAZING time (well, except the rainy football game for me) A few phone pics (Yes, I can't believe I forgot the camera, although it would have been a pain to lug around everywhere anyways.

After stopping at a pretty cool little bar for a few drinks after our arrival - we enjoyed a nice, romantic dinner on the top of John Hancock building - followed by very late night Comedy Show at Second City.

 The next morning we were going to attempt this after breakfast, but the line was just too long for our patience....
 After some shopping on Michigan avenue, we headed out to Navy Pier. Windy for sure, but decent temps. How nice to just be able to walk around without an agenda!

 Yummmm.... pizza for a late lunch.
 And the stop at The Bean was very cool.
 A little picture for Chase!
 And I really did want to get a picture of us both, but the rain was non-stop, and my arms stayed under my poncho almost the ENTIRE game. Keegan  looked MUCH better in the poncho than me anyway!
We made one last stop at IKEA on the way out of town - what a GREAT little getaway. Thanks to the Grandparents for helping out with the busy boys so we could spend some quality time together.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Grandma Time

There have been many moments since we have been back that I have stopped and realized just the things we were missing back in Kansas, like more time with Grandparents, and Great Grandparents.
Went to my Mom's with just Lance the other night for dinner. Nice to just be able to spend a couple of hours together - and Lance never turns down a book, especially Curious George that he insisted we borrow from Grandma MaryAnn.
And since I am still without a job right now, I had the luxury of stopping with Chase to visit my Grandma's, his Great Grandma's! Such special times. Something we surely wouldn't be able to do if we were in Kansas.
Look at the smiles on BOTH of their faces. Chase's visit made Grandma's week I'm pretty sure.
He got some cuddle time with Grammy too!