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Friday, March 22, 2013

18 mo Chase

A few Chase updates! (So I started these posts and didn't finish them in a timely manner, so although they are dated in March, I'm finally posting them "AS IS" in early May) Time to leave what I have and just move on and get back into my weekly blog updates!

Chase, At 18 months YOU:
  • Think tickling feet is the funniest and BEST thing ever! My favorite is the sound you make when you approach the feet.
  • Are in FULL temper tantrum mode - with a great 3.5 year old role model of course!
  • Give me a daily run for my money with your likes and dislikes of food... One day you like something, the next day you don't - UGH. Frustrating. Mac n Cheese Wheels haven't been turned away yet though!
  • Have decided you are a fan of juice, unlike your big brother who won't have anything to do with it. You also talk my ears off and cry until I give you a sip of my pop, which helps me to not get it too often - so thank you!
  • Love your crib and naps and bedtime - we are two lucky lucky parents! One nap a day, same time as your brother, usually around 12:45-1. For about 2-2.5 hours- YAY! Then off to bed close to 7 these days, but usually not out of the crib until 7:30-8. (and this weekend, almost until 9 - WOW!)
  • Are expanding your attention span with movies - especially Elmo, Toy Story and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.
  • Know SOOOO many words. You can point to shapes and all kinds of animals and trucks and pictures in books. Not too many words yet (that sound like words anyway!) But you do babble an awful lot.
  • Have started to master the shape sorter! Your favorites are the oval and circle.
  • Just want to be everywhere and do everything your big brother does. Sad sometimes because he wants you to leave him alone, but fun to see the interaction when Lance is in share mode!
  • Enjoy Elmo - "lalalala" you say for Elmo, and have said "melmo" a couple of times. You want to watch it on the iPad, phone, tv...
  • Sing songs with the cutest little voice. In the car if I start singing, there you are in the back seat in a very light voice humming/singing "lala, oohhh..." I really need to record it. I'll never get these sweet "lalala's" again.
My little climber, chilling in the chair! One little monkey for sure.
 Chase and I have a little date every Wednesday morning while Lance is at school - to the museum, where Chase loves to give his big doggy food and water, and hugs of course. He is a dog lover for sure!!!!!
 Chase the fireman! He loves firetrucks - can't say firetruck, BUT can make the siren noise VERY well and VERY loud. Usually what we hear first thing in the morning to let us know he is awake. WOO- WOO - HOO-WOO, high high pitch too! :-)
 My back seat singing buddy, ALL smiles almost ALL of the time. Love, Love, Love this age and feel so incredibly blessed to be getting this extra time with him right now, even if I was bummed about not getting a couple jobs.

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