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Sunday, June 9, 2013

Misc. June

So, as I am preparing the BIG vacation update, I realize I have posted ZIP for the month of June, "really Joy?" I have been focusing a lot of free time on vacation prep, normal summer fun, my photography research (and maybe a few naps) But, I couldn't let all of those iPhone pictures go to waste from June... So here are just a few highlights and things that have been going on in our neck of the woods :-)

Outdoor play, including bubbles, mower (or Mo-mo as Chase calls it), bball, golf lessons AND biting from Chase - something new that Lance doesn't like too much (and Lance is usually the one that gets it!)

 Planting Flowers

Ice Cream - and Whiteys is their favorite OF COURSE!

Aunt Liz (and the zoo)

Starting the sandbox


Hide N Seek

Brother play (Side note -  I love it when I turn around and they are giggling and having so much fun together. Interacting and playing like buddies. BUT, that said, I always know if it brings those goosebumps and Awwww.... feelings, I should cherish it for, OH, about 3 or 4 minutes, because the screaming and crying usually follows. I guess I have to take the good with the bad.) On this particular day they were playing doctor with each other and their stuffed animals and it did actually last for a good 10-15 minutes.

Play dates

and.... maybe a little TV - while Mom folds laundry
Ok, so maybe we have been quite busy this June! Fun times with beautiful weather.... and more summer fun to come! I guess I am enjoying this "no work" bit while it lasts :-)

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