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Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Day Camping

Spent all week making lists and packing up for our Memorial Day camping trip! We didn't get as great of weather as we had hoped for, but no rain and there were still some good memories made. Chase was pretty darn whiny - not sure if its the age, teething, the ear infection, or a combination of all perhaps, but that tapped into some of the enjoyable time I will say. I am hoping by the time we roll out for the week long summer trip up North, some of that has passed.......

My camera was put away for most of the weekend (imagine that!) Below are a few pictures - most from the iPhone (and Keegan's iPhone I might add - thank you dear hubby)

Highlights of the weekend at Camp Arrowhead:
  • Jumping Pillow (and an AMAZING iPhone capture from Keegan I might add!) This would be Lance's favorite from the weekend if you ask him!
PURE JOY right here! Look at those smiles.
  • Popsicles- Chase's first Popsicle- felt good on those little teethers comin in.
  • Digging in the dirt!
  • The Dance - This campsite had SOOOO many awesome activities for kids/families all weekend, including a DJ and dance on Saturday night. I think this was one of my favorite times. Good old fashioned Hokey Pokey, Chicken Dance and just dancing like no one was watching.... well, except the man with the iPhone snapping some  cute pics :-)
  • AVA :-) Quality time with my dear, sweet cousin and God child, Ava! Lance couldn't get enough time with her all weekend.
  • Crafts - again, more fun kid activities, although the kids were distracted a bit and Kelly did an amazing job on this fairy wand, complete with sparkles and stickers!
  • Staying up later than usual! Seek in find book fun, fireside with his favorite friend!
  • The old Firetruck (Fa-Pa as Chase calls it) at Sparky's restaurant. They got to climb inside and drive and everything! Pretty cool. Might have been the highlight for Chase this weekend, although this picture I captured may not show his excitement.
  • Beer- let us not forget one of Keegan's highlights from the weekend, beer. As I was going through the pictures on the phone to write this post, I came across this photo - one Keegan must have taken - so I had to share! With all of Chase's fussiness, beer may have helped calm us just a tad :-)
I may have told Keegan at one point this weekend (while Chase just couldn't get happy) that we should take the camper back because it just wasn't enjoyable - and for that comment Keegan, I do apologize! Because after I look back and ponder on some of the fun times we did have this weekend, I can get over Chase's unusual fussiness (of course easy to say while he is peacefully napping in his crib right now)

Cheers to this camping trip and the many more ahead of us - hopefully with a little less whining from Chase :-)

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