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Sunday, June 30, 2013

top 10 - bottom 10 of the summer VACATION

In no particular order, necessarily, Keegan and I came up with our top 10 and bottom 10 list of the Dodson 4 summer vacation...... We'll start with the bottom 10 and end on a happy note with the top 10!!!

I'm sure as time goes by we will so easily forget about these fun trips!

  1. Missed the very first exit we needed, 5 minutes after picking up the camper. Had to then drive an extra 15 minutes to turn back around..... while making the turn around - GAS spill EVERYWHERE in the back of the Tahoe! Spent at least 20 minutes pulling everything out, trying to soak up the gas with 2 rolls of paper towels and some water bottles. The smell was HORRIFIC - and so strong. SO, we spent the 6 hour car ride to our destination with the windows rolled down, listening to the song "Spilled us some gas, made us have to roll our windows down.....) Boys weren't too happy about it being loud and not being able to hear their DVD's. Keegan I did however enjoy the fresh beautiful air and the temps were very reasonable for having windows down.
  2. After arriving later than planned at our first destination, night 1 (Ludington State Park), we pulled up to our campsite - Ahhhh.... a sweet camp site ALL the way in the back - furthest camp site from the front of the park, just beautiful - EXCEPT - oops, apparently no water hook up. Clouds are rolling in, starting to get dark, so all the way we go back up to the front of the park to fill the camper with water for our 3 night stay.
  3. So, we had to head into town on Day 1 to get paper towels that we had used for the gas spill and other cleaning supplies to help remove the gas spill. Decided to grab McDonals and eat on the beach. Boys were hungry, I was hungry (we know what happens when Mom and boys are hungry - crabby!) As we started to walk onto the sunny beach, ONE cloud, yes ONE cloud started to roll in. Keegan and I though, "ah, 1 cloud, if it rains it will be light and short" So, the boys saw the beach and water and although hungry wanted nothing to do with McDonalds.... we told them they had to sit and eat before they could play - which started the whining. Then the rain started - POURING DOWN, not a light cool off rain. Keegan picked up his stuff and told Lance to run. I needed an extra hand. I had most of the food and drinks and then Chase didn't want to walk. He was bawling, I was yelling for Keegan - and then the food ALL dumped over, out of my hands. Recap, I'm hungry, boys are hungry, it's POURING down and our food is now covered in sand..... and we have a 20 minute drive back to the campsite. So, McDonald order number 2 it was.
  4. Trying to find a gas station that Keegan felt comfortable pulling in with the camper was not too fun - very annoying actually - so that makes the bottom 10 for both Keegan and I, along with driving the camper in high winds.
  5. "dumping" at the end of each campsite ranks right up there, or down there I should say, in the bottom 10. You have this wonderful time at the campsite and just before you leave you have to smell some pretty awful stuff.....
  6. The title of this one - Kite in the lake - it also goes along with one of the top 10 (see number 5 below) It was Lance and Chase's 1st time flying a kite. So beautiful on the beach, just us, the sun getting ready to set, boys laughing, us smiling and just watching them enjoy such a simple thing in life..... Chase decided he wanted a turn holding the kite, so we asked Lance to share. He handed Chase the string, after a little reluctance.... and before we could get over to Chase to help - slow motion - the kite flies away - JUST like that. Into the cold lake. The giggles have turned into INSTANT cries. (You can picture this, right?) Super Dad for some reason has his swim trunks on and after realizing this kite isn't coming back to shore dives in to rescue the kite, the three of us cheering him on along the beach. He brings it back and the frowns turn to smiles. They begin to fly the kite again... UNTIL Chase walks into the string, pulls down the kite and breaks the string. Ok, time to head back to the campsite (After Lance urgently must go potty alongside the beach)
  7. About a week or so before vacation, Chase started this occasional biting thing. He only does it when he's excited and Lance is near him. So, while biking on Mackinaw island (another one in the top 10) The boys are sitting together in a carrier behind Keegan's bike and for almost half of the ride, we had to keep pulling over and scolding Chase for biting. Lance is whining and crying because Chase is biting and Chase is crying because we are getting upset with him. So all of these people are passing by, enjoying this beautiful scenery and island while our two boys are screaming in the back..... Ok, maybe it wasn't half of the ride, but it sure felt that way during the ride.
  8.  Campsite #2 in Mackinaw, night #2, we decide to head to the camp pool for a little swim. We had promised the boys all day that we would and the day was coming to an end. I was heading inside to grab towels and...... "Keegan, why did you lock the door?" Well, we had realized two different times when we pulled up to a campsite that the door wasn't locked (both of us could swear to the other that it had been locked prior to departure) Keegan had messed with it a little to figure out why it wasn't staying locked and figured it out, so we thought. Just a bit earlier, the bugs were swarming and I put Daisy inside and shut the door.... Apparently it had been locked. "You have the keys, right Keegan" And I bet you can answer that question since this is in the bottom 10. Yep, in the camper. Panic sets in, Keegan pulls at the door for what seems like eternity - Boys are starting to whine (imagine that) because we told them we are headed to the pool.... I ask "didn't you say you made a spare set - are they in the truck - is the truck unlocked?" Whew, spare set was in the truck, unlocked. Lesson learned!
  9. The usual bumping of heads, scraping of knees, falling off something and the whining and crying that goes along with it should probably be noted on the bottom 10. Normal yes, but something that adds to some frustration while on vacation, where you just want it all perfect, right?
  10. Hmmmmm, So I guess I only have a bottom 9!
TOP 10: (These will mostly be described with pictures, and little words as the pictures can do the talking) OK, a few more than 10 - I lied :-)
  1. FISHING - I polled everyone for their "favorite" moment of vacation and this was Keegan's top pick (along with family time too, don't want him to bust me for that) Keegan was excited to teach Lance what it was all about and to get some alone time fishing too. And when they actually caught a fish, his eyes lit up!!!! He may have been more excited than Lance.
  2. BEACH time - Lance's #1 pick
  3. HIKES - my #1 pick

  4. Last minute visit with the Breselow family and the train ride - He obviously can't answer, but we all KNOW this was Chase's #1 pick.
  6. LIGHT HOUSE visit - I have close to 300 pictures from this adventure (ok, maybe not 300, but A LOT!) And this vacation post is like 2 months overdue, SO...... I can't spend any more time trying to put together a collage. You get 4, and yes, they are low resolution.....
  7. BIKERIDE on Mackinaw Island
  8. FERRY RIDE to the island
  9. CAMPFIRES (we could not have asked for more beautiful vacation weather. Not too hot, not too cold - although a little chilly for swimming I guess. Just right for night time campfires. The boys didn't enjoy too many of these since they were all tuckered out from busy days! It was nice relaxing Mom and Dad time though) And a couple of the campfire meals were pretty tasty too. 

  11. VIEWS, from our camper, to the views on the hikes - just some beautiful scenery all around.
  14. FAMILY TIME in general
    15. OH - and ICE CREAM, lots of of yummy ICE CREAM!
    And that's a wrap...... This is over a month past due (ok, more like 2) GEESG, so I'm leaving it at this - Long, fun, some bad with the good - memories made for a lifetime. Blessed with a safe trip and everyone glad to be back home in their "cozy beds" as Lance said!

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