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Sunday, September 22, 2013

Happy Birthday to CHASE!

I promised myself that even if I get behind with my blog I would not let a birthday update pass. Time for me to reflect on how lucky I really am to have such beautiful miracles in my life! And to jot down some fun memories at this stage in their lives. I haven't yet decided if I am excited, nervous, or pre-exhausted (is that a word?) for Chase's TWO's! lol. Of course I look forward to how he will grow and things he will learn during this next year, but it means that most of that little "baby" that I have left is drifting away...... Chase is abundantly blessed with energy, charm and a short temper. He is working on those words so hard, but many of them just don't translate to anything we understand.... It's frustrating, but oh is it ever adorable. When he comes up to me and just blabbers a sentence knowing full-well everything he is saying - and then it ends with a slight tilt of his ear to his shoulder and this flirtatious smile :-) Gets me EVERY time - even when I might be a little upset.

My heart grew bigger than I thought possible September 22nd, 2011. And although there are days I'm just not sure if this is what I should be doing, I am fortunate enough to be spending these days that everyone talks about never getting back and going by so quickly at home with such a lovable little growing toddler. On to my Chase updates and pictures.

CHASE, at 2 years old YOU:
  • have started to ask that one cute, but at times annoying question of WHY or "why-a" about 20 times a day.
  • have a fetish for things on your arms/hands. Lance's spider man glove, hats, socks... you just put them on then walk around and do your normal stuff, play in your kitchen, etc. with them on.
  • run away, anyway but toward me, when it's time for a diaper or clothes change - UGH. I don't need to go further on this one. Probably seems humorous to many and when I read this is several years I might smile, but really KID, it's NOT funny.
  • sing "HI HO, HI HO" in the sweetest, cutest little voice. We sing this for many occasions. It helps me get you moving. "Hi Ho, Hi Ho, to get shoes on we go....."
  • just want to do everything your brother does, and if you see that something upsets him, like taking a toy, you do it over and over again (and run faster than I've ever seen you run with a HUGE grin on your face)
  • like to scream, sometimes for a reason, sometimes not, but you just scream. It's loud, it's unpleasant, nothing about it is cute. I can't lie - I really dislike it. I'm still struggling with this one. It's slowly getting better....
  • are in love with Popsicles! Well, really anything with sugar - but Popsicles this summer. Suckers, jelly beans, candy "dindy"
  • LOVE trains - which right now sounds something like "Chiz" You say "All aboard" with your hands cupped around your mouth and just love to read books about trains, do train puzzles, see pictures of trains and watch videos of trains on Daddy's phone. As soon as he walks in the door from work it's your first word while you stand at his feet looking up at him! About a month before your birthday you were all about firetrucks (or fa-fucks, ya - you read right and it's embarrassing in public, but that's your word for them)
  • can feed yourself with a spoon and fork just fine, but constantly ask for "elp" Help! Not just occasionally, but ALL the time.
  • Say "Ewwww, grooosssss" when we change your diaper. And we also now have to pretend to change your baby's diaper before we change your diaper. Dad might disagree with me, but you and that baby doll you carry around is pretty sweet I must say.
  • point out stop signs all over the city - and you put your hand out in that back seat when you say it - Love it. Oh, the little things.
  • have lots of words, but one of my favorites right now is "olk" which is your word for cold. But you say it when its just windy, not really cold. It's a game now. I'll say "it's not cold Chase" and you get that big grin on your face and then say "indy" for windy.
  • your favorite book is Goodnight Train
  • your favorite food is Mac n Cheese - the frozen wheels are your preference.
  • love to be outside, like most toddlers and boys especially. You play with your "mo-mo" mower the most, but have started to take a liking to golf, which Dad likes just a little I think.
I really haven't done the official 2 year pics, these are just a couple from a day at the park when I had the camera with. Since Chase was into fire trucks, I was planning a fire truck party so I took some of him in front of an old fire station, but since then he is really more into Trains.... Ah well, I got a couple cute ones for the party invites anyway!
 For those of you who never get to see him without a smile on his face, we do have a few of these faces in a given day.
 Looking like such a little toddler.

Chase, thank you for keeping me on my toes and for allowing me endless smiles and laughs each week, even if they are accompanied by a few rough moments. You are teaching me things about myself and helping me realize some finer things in life, no doubt. You truly are one happy, very happy little boy. You are sad at the things 2 years olds are supposed to get sad about and I often forget that. Aside from that normal growing and learning frustrations, you are as perfect as they come! We are so incredibly lucky to have two happy, healthy, growing, intelligent little boys full of personality. So fun to think what these next year will bring. I love you and Happy 2nd birthday!

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