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Sunday, December 22, 2013

Gant Christmas_2013

The weekend before Christmas we always look forward to the GANT family get together and celebration! Adult night out then gift opening the next day. Always a good time. I didn't snap too many this year (seemed to be a trend for me this year) The iPhone captured more than the good camera..... ah well.

Uncle Bryon giving Lance a run for his money - Lance wants attention, he got it! Uncle style.LOL

Maybe a few drinks in...... Nicky the photo bomber too!! 
Lance wanted to wear this for the festivities so I said "why not!" Pretty cute stuff. I'll miss this 4 year old spirit someday. Hopefully not too soon though.
He could care less that Grandma was reading a poem to us all, he wanted to play a song on his new keyboard - in the middle of the kitchen. 
Family picture time. Which went amazingly well this year! 
All 12 grandkids.
FUN, FUN times.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

the SIMPLE things

For weeks leading up to the concert, I listened to sweet 4 year old versions of Rudolph, We wish you a Merry Christmas, and Jingle Bells (we heard it so much that little 2 year old Chase even chimed in with his own version of 'yee-yaa bells") As the day got closer, the songs started to sound more familiar and Lance was tuned in to EVERY detail of what would happen the night of the concert. (His clothes, the order of the songs, the treat he was to ring) Pure excitement! We counted down the days just like we do for the Gant Christmas and Santa.
I'm telling you, Lance is one happy boy and he does smile and giggle often, but the grin on his face as he sat in front of the room of parents and grandparents, I don't know that I've seen him much happier! Brings a smile to my heart just re-living those moments. He sang those songs and tapped his toes and was living JOY the entire time. It was our first concert experience and I can't wait for the next one, or two or three - especially if they will ALL bring this much happiness! What a wonderful additional to the other Christmas season traditions.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

it's the MOST wonderful time of the year!

Yes, I have been in blogger slacker mode since, Oh about September. Rest assure I will be backdating a few blog posts, hopefully before the New Year rings in! BUT, before I start those past posts I decided I must start with my most favorite time of the year, perhaps one of my most favorite weekends of the year - NO, NOT Black Friday shopping....... Cutting down the tree & decorating the house! I might get that little kid excitement on this weekend, and even more now with two (ok, 3) boys sharing in the same giddy excitement :-)

As we sat by this little fire, Lance asked when we would be making our next camping trip, and proceeded to ask about camping about 5 or 6 times throughout the weekend. It makes us pretty happy that he shares our love of the camping adventures.
Oh, where does the time go - look at this sweet little toddler!
I caught him - with a BIG grin on his face.
 These boys were cracking me up..... While Dad went to get the saw, Chase got so angry that I made him sit so he pulled the hat over his eyes... which Lance thought was hilarious! It then turned into a peek a boo game and I was able to capture some pure, genuine Lance and Chase smiles - love it!
 I think this is the ONE Dad :-)

Lance wanted to be right there in the action.

We got it home and set up and Daisy would NOT stay out of the tree - she was SO convinced there was a bird hiding in there..... I am somewhat nervous that we might come home to a horizontal tree with broken ornaments one of these days.
And although we aren't big Black Friday shoppers, we did head out later in the day as a family and made this fun purchase (or so we thought to be fun) ..... No wonder it was a cheap buy! In only 2 days I think we have had to put the thing back on the track at least 50 times - I am NOT exaggerating! I am going to be offering the boys each 1 ticket for fixing it a day. That seems fair, right?