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Sunday, December 22, 2013

Gant Christmas_2013

The weekend before Christmas we always look forward to the GANT family get together and celebration! Adult night out then gift opening the next day. Always a good time. I didn't snap too many this year (seemed to be a trend for me this year) The iPhone captured more than the good camera..... ah well.

Uncle Bryon giving Lance a run for his money - Lance wants attention, he got it! Uncle style.LOL

Maybe a few drinks in...... Nicky the photo bomber too!! 
Lance wanted to wear this for the festivities so I said "why not!" Pretty cute stuff. I'll miss this 4 year old spirit someday. Hopefully not too soon though.
He could care less that Grandma was reading a poem to us all, he wanted to play a song on his new keyboard - in the middle of the kitchen. 
Family picture time. Which went amazingly well this year! 
All 12 grandkids.
FUN, FUN times.

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