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Wednesday, December 18, 2013

the SIMPLE things

For weeks leading up to the concert, I listened to sweet 4 year old versions of Rudolph, We wish you a Merry Christmas, and Jingle Bells (we heard it so much that little 2 year old Chase even chimed in with his own version of 'yee-yaa bells") As the day got closer, the songs started to sound more familiar and Lance was tuned in to EVERY detail of what would happen the night of the concert. (His clothes, the order of the songs, the treat he was to ring) Pure excitement! We counted down the days just like we do for the Gant Christmas and Santa.
I'm telling you, Lance is one happy boy and he does smile and giggle often, but the grin on his face as he sat in front of the room of parents and grandparents, I don't know that I've seen him much happier! Brings a smile to my heart just re-living those moments. He sang those songs and tapped his toes and was living JOY the entire time. It was our first concert experience and I can't wait for the next one, or two or three - especially if they will ALL bring this much happiness! What a wonderful additional to the other Christmas season traditions.

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