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Tuesday, December 25, 2012

HO HO HO....

Merry Christmas to ALL!

I have posted so many December entries... I am going to keep this short and sweet. As you get older, Christmas fades just a little.... but having the Christmas Spirit and excitement of a 3 year old in the house brings you right back to that very special place! What a fun December leading up to Christmas and Santa and the presents! I can't wait for next year - double the excitement as Chase too learns all about Santa from his big brother.

Antsy to open Santa presents... Mom wants a picture first, really Mom?

 Santa must have heard his 2 second strung together request! Loving his Jake and the Neverland Pirate stuff!
 Thank you Santa for the lights and backdrop so I can take even MORE pictures :-)

 "Put me in coach!"
 Grandma, Grandpa and the Grandkids!

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a Goodnight!

Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve Tradition

For years we have been meeting our good friend Drew at Gov's on Christmas Eve. This year he wasn't going to be in town in time, but we decided to keep the tradition alive and had a nice family lunch together! Probably one of my favorite memories of the Holidays this year! Along with our trip to the park to play in the snow afterwards...... Daisy too (Cooper, we sure miss you! You would have had to much fun in the snow with all of us)

 And then off to Grandma and Grandpa's for a short Christmas Eve....

 Uncle Bruce.
 Minute to win it games.....
Then home to cuddle up, close eyes and wait for SANTA!!!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

GANT Christmas

For the first time in..... I think 8 years, we did not have to travel away from our own "home - house" for the Holidays, and although it was different for us, it was pretty darn nice! We always kick start Christmas the weekend before with the annual Gant Christmas tradition!

A night out with adults only - dinner, drinks, 2nd annual bowling, and lots of FUN! 

Followed by a day of food, hanging out, and presents of course. And this year, thanks to my nightly PINTEREST browsing, I added in some minute to win it games for all families to participate in. I think it was pretty successful. The weekend always goes by so quickly, but it sure is a great time.

Be sure to stay tuned for a fun little video of Lance excitement opening his first Christmas present, play-doh. LOL.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Celebrating at School

I have had the luxury of spending extra time in Lance's classroom since I am still not working. (And thanks to Aunt Liz for helping out with Chase too!) Lance was VERY weary of visiting Santa and sitting on his lap this year. He waited for all of his friends to talk to Santa before he final got the courage to walk up and "whisper in his ear" rather than sitting on his lap. He was a speed talker to say the least... (Jake and the Neverland Pirate Ship,Captain Hook Jolly Roger, Spider Man and Lizard... all in 2 seconds!)
 Was able to squeeze in a quick pic of me and my not so little man....
 Decorating some cookies - and I am pretty sure Lance was the only one who ate the ENTIRE cookie with a mound of frosting! He loves his frosting!
Aunt Liz hanging out with us during her break was such a treat, for ALL of us!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Snow Day - YAY!

Lance was SO excited when I told him that he was going to stay home from school because it was going to snow!!! He has been "expecting"there to be snow since December 1st. 

What a nice, cozy, relaxing but fun snow day. 

Chase went down for a morning nap and Lance and I read a BIG stack of Christmas books. (We were BOTH in heaven I must say)
 Enjoying some graham crackers and marshmallows for a morning snack.... didn't want to try hot cocoa with Mom.
 Watching the snow start to fall.....
 Lance wanted to play in the snow, but it wasn't quite time yet, so I opened the door and let them touch it.... Chase really didn't think it was that cool.
 Daisy found her favorite spot for the winter months! And Chase just adores Daisy - truly one of his best friends!
 He loves to help in the kitchen. Helping me make some soup for the chilly snow day!
 Time to play in the snow - using the little shovel that Charlie brought him...... Quite windy, but he could care less.
 Aunt Liz came over to hang out for the afternoon. The boys enjoyed some extra cuddles and books!!
 Chase just loves to watch the snow globe!!!!
Dad bought himself a new "toy" to help out with the midwest winters.

Monday, December 17, 2012

and...Lance the snowman too!

Lance saw the hat and scarf from Chase's photo shoot when he got home from school. So I showed him the pictures and he asked if he could be a snowman too....? and of course I couldn't resist! LOL

Completely different lighting to work with since I had absolutely NO sunlight. Lots to learn with the camera, but I was pretty happy with my second cute little snowman! Wasn't planning to use these for the Christmas card, but I might have to make a last minute change. :-)

 HO HO HO, a Santa Snowman
 " I a super snowman Mommy!"
 My snowman wanted to make snow angels..... silly snowman!
 SOOOO serious!

Chase the Snowman

Yes, folks. I did this to him..... embarrassment in years to come, but he is the cutest little snowman, I must say!!!! Hope this brings a smile to your faces today :-)

Still wish I had neighbor Jerry - this was a rough photoshoot. BUT, I am learning new things with each session.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Random December

Just a few random December tidbits.

Since I never did post final pictures of the tree all decorated... and because Daisy posed so nicely for me, here is a pic of both. She is missing her buddy Cooper for sure. But Santa,"please don't bring us a brother or sister for her, she'll be just fine!"

 I took the boys to the Family Museum and Library on a Sunday afternoon so Keegan could watch some of the Bears game in peace! Taking a little sleighride.
 Lance wouldn't stop giggling on this morning that he found Charlie in his stocking. He just thought it was the funniest. The things that make a toddler laugh and happy - the BEST! And since we can't touch Charlie, he thought getting his picture with him was fun.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Friday night project

Friday night was project night! I "almost" finished the painting of the lower level "powder room" so it was time to hang the shelves that I have been DYING to get up since our trip to IKEA on the way home from our Chicago trip.

Lance was very curious as to what was going on.... perfect opportunity to use those new tools he got for his birthday!

WATCH OUT! Drill wars....

 "NO, I busy Mommy. I a worker. I need to concentrate!"
 "Yep, right here"
And a special thanks to my Mom and brother for keeping the boys this weekend so we could make a little road trip to meet sweet Olive!