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Friday, December 7, 2012

Oh Christmas Tree Farm

Now that we are back home and able to spend Christmas at our own house, it was time to venture out and cut down a real Christmas tree. Keegan has fond memories of this tradition growing up and wanted to start this tradition for us and the boys! We had a chilly, but comfortable day on Friday to walk around the tree farm in search for JUST the right tree, and of course some photos too.

Little Chase just taking it all in.... literally putting branches and pine needles IN his mouth - LOL!

 Keegan teaching Lance how to use the saw.
 Practicing on some little branches.....
 Lance gives it a try all by himself - Mr. Independent!
 "This isn't a good one Chase."
 Trying to speed up the process by lifting Chase up high and giving him a ride.
 Dad takes the camera and gets a very nice pic of Me and Chase... LOVE this one, even though Chase isn't looking.
 The smile did not leave Lance's face.... he thought it was the BEST thing getting to drive Dad's truck through the farm.
Battle of the trees. Dad found one that he liked, but Lance disagreed and found one that HE wanted to cut down.... BIG debate that caused some tears, sad sad tears.

 The face that WON Lance the tree he picked out, even though it wasn't the one Mom and Dad picked out. "I just like the branches...."
 SUCCESS - Well for Lance, right?!?! LOL. Daisy had a little fun on the farm too......
Pics of the tree all trimmed to follow!

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