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Thursday, December 13, 2012

Brother Love

It's not all too often that Lance asks me to take a picture of him (probably because I'm a bit obsessive with taking pictures!) But this particular morning he asked "Mommy, you take picture of my brother!" The answer will always be YES - as fast as I can.

The new routine, starting about a week or two ago, is this:
  • Chase wakes up just before 7am. He rolls and talks in his crib until Lance awakes and hears him. Lance rolls out of bed, and heads into Chase's room with his blanket in hand. He throws the blanket over and climbs in. Then I get to listen to them giggle and talk and play for 10 or 15 minutes, or until Lance has to use the bathroom! One morning, I couldn't stop laughing and smiling. "Chase, sit still. I trying to take your sleep sack off." When I arrived in the room several minutes later. No sleep sack and no pajamas. Thank You for helping out Lance!
I had to get this one in here, because it is one of those memories I just never want to forget! Gives my heart that tingly feeling that is nothing but LOVE and happiness.

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