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Friday, February 22, 2013

17 MONTH update

So, I realy didn't take lots of notes and prepare much for this update. New attempt and words each day, some I am still trying to interpret myself.

Some of our favorites for Chase right now at 17 months:
  • When he sees Spiderman anything, or we say Spiderman, he flips his wrists over and makes the web shooting noise - pretty funny.
  • Chase will drop anything he is doing when he hears the "I like to move it, move it" song and start dancing away - or doing squats to the beat.
  • He can't get enough of peek a boo. It's a different kind of fun from when he was younger though. I'm talking belly laughing fun when we throw things over our heads or his and then make them suddenly re-appear.
  • Bringing books to us and actually sitting for an entire book.
  • Chase is IN LOVE with the iPad Elmo app - and now when he sees Elmo or we say Elmo he says "lalalalalala" with his little tongue sticking ALL the way out.
  • I just love to listen to his babbling sentences of "non-sense" Well, non-sense to me but he knows just what he is talking about.
Some of our not so favorites right now:
  • Refusing to eat most everything.... except fruit of course. He LOVES his fruit, and breakfast foods. Oh, and peanut butter.... (see below) With that being said, the kid does love some tuna salad and he discovered he likes guacamole and fish stix just this week too! Crazy..... I think he only tried the fish sticks because he really likes fish or "Shish" as Chase says - lol
  • Climbing, climbing, climbing - not used to this from Lance. Lance was NOT a climber.He is a dare devil, and just grins when he conquers his goal. When I went to pick him up at the gym one of the care providers said she turned around, to do her normal scan of the room, and there Chase was up on the toy shelves, about to stand... Sigh...
  • As of today, a few days beyond the 17 month mark - we now can say the word NO. Watch out!
I'll leave the update at that. Not too bad for not keeping notes I would say.

And now, some fun Peanut Butter pictures! I gave Lance an almost empty peanut butter jar around the same age, so we do have an overdue comparison of the two!

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