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Thursday, February 14, 2013

love IS:

these 3 (handsome three I might add!)
love IS: waking up to this every morning and after naps.....
Lance taking toys into Chase's crib, and listening to them talk and giggle! Can't get enough of it.

love IS: getting to take my little guys for a Valentine treat. (Never would I have gotten to do this if I were working)

love IS: Lance running in from watching Disney Junior, jumping up on the couch with me, giving me a great big hug and kiss and saying "I LOVE YOU MOMMY!" Then watching him run back into the other room to finish his show!

love IS: seeing the excitement on Chase's face when Grandma comes to visit us!
 and seeing Lance be as rambunctious as ever, but having so MUCH fun! Laughter = LOVE

love IS: not getting completely upset and flustered when I went to shake the RED colored pancake mix...... and the lid wasn't tight. RED pancake batter EVERYWHERE! Only because Lance comes up to me and says "It's ok Mommy, it was an accident. Sometimes that happens!" Then runs and climbs up onto the kitchen table to grab me napkins and politely tells Chase "Move away buddy, it's messy over there!" LOL Oh, I am laughing reading this.

love IS: getting to spend Valentine's Day dining in, in STYLE :-) (Again, thanks to not working, I got to spend some free time doing something I enjoy!) Then, my heart just smiled SO big when Lance saw it and said in his sweet toddler voice "Mommy, look at these pretty decorations. It's a party in here!"
 Our first time EVER using our new dining room set since we moved into the new house - CRAZY! And Chase sitting like a big boy up at the table!
I am so very thankful not only to have so many people in my life to give my love to, but to feel loved just as much! And thanks for this Holiday that reminds me each year to not take the love I have for granted. It is truly a gift.
Cheers to cupid!

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