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Wednesday, May 22, 2013

CHASE - 20 months

OMG - this is SOOOO unbelievably over due. Pretty sure I missed updates for the past 2 months and this one is late. (Ahhh,,,, breathe in and out Joy!) I have been keeping a few notes on the phone to help me out though, so here it goes!

Chase, at 20 months YOU:
  • LOVE LOVE LOVE to give kisses - closed mouth, open mouth - to Grandma, Daisy, Dad, Brother - you really don't care. Oh it is so sweet and I soak up each and every one. I even ask for them throughout the day since you are giving them out so freely! (Often, if Daddy is holding you and I say "can I have a kiss" he sneaks one in before you can give me one - guess I should ask him for kisses more often too!)
  • Have really taken a liking for Toy Story - this is one thing that saved us during the camping trip. It makes you happy, and you sure will sit and watch quite a bit for a 20 month old. I can't explain the word you use for it, but Lance even knows what you want when you say it. You also have your own words for Woody and Buzz
  • Can't get enough of FIRETRUCKS or "fapas" as you call them. And you have slowly given up the siren noise that you used to say for firetruck. I actually kind of miss the "woo woo" noise. I have a kids CD in my car and you demand we listen to the firetruck song OVER and OVER and OVER. At this age Lance couldn't get enough of School Buses and the School Bus song, for you it's Firetrucks for sure.
  • Can throw a MEAN temper tantrum... legs up and down like you are marching to one fast song and a good old fashioned roller skating "alligator" move (does ANYONE reading actually remember what that is?) Back on the floor, legs and arms in the air waving like crazy. YEP, that is what Chase looks like when he doesn't get what he wants.
  • Still sleep like a champ, and for that I am so very thankful. 7:30 - 7:30 usually. And a good nap from 12:30 or 1 to 2:30 or 3.
  • Are one picky little eater - ugh. I don't need to say much more. What you want and like changes every day. Although I will say one of your favorites that I have discovered right now is Vanilla Yogurt with strawberries, blueberries and granola- Mmmmm.... Good stuff.
  • Listen and Repeat (or try to repeat I should say) Just this past week some fun repeats that sounded pretty close to the real word were cool and dude!
  • Are getting really good at the shape sorter. You can do almost all of them on your own. And you repeat some of the shapes "circle, oval" If I ask you which is which, you can identify most of them - my smart little guy.
  • Point and say all of the facial features (you've been doing this for probably at least the last month, but since I haven't updated.....) Nose, eyes, mouth, chin, ears, head, hair and you just LOVE to tickle toes.
  • Stand at the top of the stairs and rather than grabbing for my hand and walking on your own you point to me and say "rah roo" Which means "Carry you" LOL. I guess I have asked enough times "Do you want me to carry you?"
Below are a few of your words right now ( I can't keep up with all of them. Of course a person off the street would not recognize many of these, but you're sure trying)

Drive - "die" (by the way, driving is also something that makes you happy - while we were camping and at home, you just want to drive Daddy's truck!)
Loader - "wowo"
Yogurt - "yoyo" or "yogo"
Backhoe - Baapoe"
Bulldozer - "bull bull"
Mommy - "mimi" Oh, how I love how you say this
Book - "buh"
Birdie - you try to say "tweet tweet" but it doesn't sound just like that
Home - "hoooo" You say this every time we pull into the garage
Elmo - went from saying "lala" to "melmo" and now just about done with Elmo I think, except for watching he movies. A shortlived character once introduced to Buzz and Woody
Ball - "bow"
Snack - "nah"

I'm sure I could sit and come up with a few more, but for now this is Chase at 20 months - my blue eyed, blonde hair, tan little boy, sweet teeth grin and so lovable (almost all of the time) Admiring his big brothers every move and still cuddling with me a few times throughout the day. I do feel so lucky to be able to soak up all of these moments each day!

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