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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Trick or Treat

All of the excitement of carving pumpkins, costumes, and trick or treating came and went very quickly! We had the help of the Gant group with carving pumpkins the weekend before Halloween when they stayed over at our house - our first overnight guests in the new house!

They picked some pretty tough carving designs and got a little tired and discouraged, SO I ended up carving 3 pumpkins. LOL. Next year I think we will be painting. Because as you can see from the below picture, Lance wasn't all too interested in carving. Just riding circles around the pumpkins with his helmet on!

Lance wanted Chase and Daisy to both be Spiderman. Chase wasn't too interested in the eye mask.

 Spiderman Lance
Both Spideys getting ready to Trick or Treat
 My attempt at Catwoman/Batman.
 Grandma MaryAnn, the good witch, stopped over with treats and to see the boys all dressed up - and helped pass out candy while we went trick or treating. Thanks Grandma.
 Grandma Connie and Grandpa stopped by too. Chase was out of his costume and back into his skeleton outfit
 Pretty cute little skeleton I must say :-)
 Lance was almost more excited when the trick or treators came to the door. he loved passing out the candy. Chase wasn't too far behind and while we were in the kitchen Chase found the goodies!
 Lance's class picture in their Halloween costumes.
 The adventure of carving pumpkins!

Friday, October 26, 2012

10 years later...

October 26, 2002 - The day we said "I DO"

10 years ago, on a beautiful fall day, we had the most amazing and memorable day EVER! We both can remember so many little details of that special day when we tied the knot and professed our love of each other in front of friends and family.......

And my how our lives and love have changed in 10 years. For better, not for worse of course :-) As I was scanning and editing this photo, Lance asked me "Why you dressed like a pretty princess Mommy?" And my heart grew bigger again, just like that!

Amazing how much can happen in 10 years. We moved 4 times, lived in 4 different states, lost my Dad and Grandpa, and 2 dogs, and we're given 2 miracles, our beautiful little boys! Plus much much more...... All in 10 years. So excited to see what the next 10 years will bring!

Happy Anniversary to us! I can't imagine creating memories and living my with anyone else!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Fall Photo Shoot

Oh, we miss Jerry.... I am attempting to take my own photos, with the help of Keegan of course. It was a pretty successful first attempt, if I do say so myself. Still some things to learn about my camera and the settings, but I'll take it. The most difficult was the family shot with the tripod.... the first attempt didn't go so well, so we got dressed again a couple of days later and gave it another try. Not as nice of weather and beautiful sunshine, but a successful family picture!

 And the only one that turned out with the first attempt.
 My sweet boys, brothers!

 One of my favorites, that Keegan took.
 Love this one..... Lance being sweet to Chase and Chase with his little grin.
 Dad and the boys
 Sweet Smiling Lance
 Being Silly......
 Blue eyed boy.
 Just having fun.
 Lookin up.
 Playing with the leaves....

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Pumpkin Patch Fun

What a beautiful, fall day for a trip to the pumpkin patch. Not cold or rainy... JUST right!

Here Lance is telling Chase about all of the pumpkins.... Love this!

 Daisy got to come along too, and was in heaven.
 Chase pushing the wagon, for a very short time before he started crawling and trying to put things in his mouth!
 "Hey guys, I found one right over here!" Lance says "you guys" ALL the time. "I'm alright guys.... excuse me guys.....referring to Keegan and I.
 Chase found a pumpkin too!

 The animals were a big hit.
 Especially for Daisy. She was ready to squeeze through this fence to get those ducks. LOL!
 Pumpkin head
 Lance was very interested in this cat. He kept following it around "it's OK little kitty"
 Chase, again... anything in the mouth

Thursday, October 18, 2012

First Field Trip

Lance has been soooo excited for a couple of weeks now for his first bus ride and field trip - to the pumpkin patch of course! Since I am STILL looking for a job I had the chance to join in the COLD, RAINY fun! And Chase spent some quality time with Grandma Connie.

After an hour wait, yes hour, FINALLY the kids were crazy and ready to get on the bus! During that time Lance had a major meltdown because I let a friend borrow and extra hat of Lance's that I had in the car.... Lance wasn't too excited about sharing his hat. UGH, the sharing word!!!! Tips, tricks, etc. are welcome, PLEASE. Then another meltdown because he rushed on the bus, forgetting he wanted to sit with Ben and when he finally remembered he wanted to sit with Ben, that seat was already full.... not a happy camper!

 Lance going for his first school bus ride!
 the COLD COLD rainy hay rack ride.....
 Lance and his new best buddy Ben.
 Searching for the perfect little pumpkin - hurry, hurry.
 Attempt at a class photo
 Silly Lance and Ben looking out the bus window

 Hungry little crew, time for lunch!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Sick Day

Both boys have that time of the season cough and runny nose, etc. and Chase also woke up with a nasty rash.... so I decided it was a good day to keep Lance home and just hang out. A good old sick day. Easy to do since I am not yet working...... Although it ended up being much busier and not as laid back as the sick days I used to remember!

Just hanging out in our PJ's with all the stuffed animals.

 Then covering up Mommy and making her cozy! And cozy I was!
 We had to wait to build towers and buildings until Chase took a nap, because all he wants to do is knock the towers down.
 The icky rash, from head to toe...... which made us change out of our jammies and go to the get checked out.
 And this is what happens when Mom tried to get something done and fold laundry. I heard him and saw him playing with the pans.... and then I look over and he is just hanging out in the oven drawer.... oh dear!
Needless to say, there was not dinner on the table when Dad got home and the laundry was not folded either!