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Thursday, October 18, 2012

First Field Trip

Lance has been soooo excited for a couple of weeks now for his first bus ride and field trip - to the pumpkin patch of course! Since I am STILL looking for a job I had the chance to join in the COLD, RAINY fun! And Chase spent some quality time with Grandma Connie.

After an hour wait, yes hour, FINALLY the kids were crazy and ready to get on the bus! During that time Lance had a major meltdown because I let a friend borrow and extra hat of Lance's that I had in the car.... Lance wasn't too excited about sharing his hat. UGH, the sharing word!!!! Tips, tricks, etc. are welcome, PLEASE. Then another meltdown because he rushed on the bus, forgetting he wanted to sit with Ben and when he finally remembered he wanted to sit with Ben, that seat was already full.... not a happy camper!

 Lance going for his first school bus ride!
 the COLD COLD rainy hay rack ride.....
 Lance and his new best buddy Ben.
 Searching for the perfect little pumpkin - hurry, hurry.
 Attempt at a class photo
 Silly Lance and Ben looking out the bus window

 Hungry little crew, time for lunch!

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