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Sunday, October 7, 2012

Chase's Birthday Party Fun

A couple weeks late, after finding a date that worked into most everyone's schedule, we celebrated Chase's first birthday! It was quite the household full of guests...... I think I counted 30 total. I underestimated a bit on the food (sorry guests!) First time planning for this many, and at breakfast time! Lesson learned. Kids like donuts and donut holes :) And never try a new pinterest recipe for the first time at a big event. The little cupcake omelets were great, but the recipe didn't make enough!

Ah well! A great time had by all!

The Invite for the Mickey themed party!

 Opening Presents. He did SOOOOO good. Sat on my lap for ALL the presents, and there were quite a few.
 Big brother helped of course and sped things right along! :-)
 Mom dropped the Mickey candle and busted the ear and foot. Then burnt her fingers trying to keep it together for the song...... Chase was amused.
 Not too into the cupcake business though.
 Lance, however made the cupcake mess for his brother while Mom and Dad were pre-occupied! NICE
Mom and Dad with the birthday boy!

 and Grammy and GiGi (Great Grandmas)
 and Aunt Gail
 and Cousin Cameron
 This is what Lance thought of pictures on this fun filled, action packed day! But he sure does love his "buddy" Uncle Bryon.
One of my favorite captures of the day. Grammy and Lance playing with Lance's new super hero's he got from Uncle Bryon and family!
And that's a wrap! So hard to believe one year has passed, just like that! Thanks to everyone for helping us celebrate all of the memories of Chase's first year of life!

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