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Tuesday, October 2, 2012

ONE 1 year update

Again, a little behind. And still haven't gotten all the pictures I want... oh, do I miss neighbor Jerry and his amazing pictures!!! :-(  But, better get on with what I have before he turns 2!

Pictures first and then the update. One of my favorites!

 My little blue eyed, blond boy!

 The attempt with the name blocks, that I still want to give another try.
 He claps ALL the time!
 Watch out, I am a FAST crawler

 Staring into space.
 His little mischievous grin.

 "MOM, stop this madness!!!!"
At ONE - 1 year YOU:

  • Cover your eyes and face and play peek a boo! It is the cutest thing ever. "Where's Chase?" It sometimes takes several minutes for you to take your hands off your eyes and face for us to say "there he is!"
  • Clap whenever we say "YAY" You also start clapping when we start singing if you're happy and you know it
  • Will sway and dance when we sing or music comes on.
  • LOVE LOVE LOVE Mickey Mouse. When you see him or hear his voice you light up!
  • Still sign and know when you are ALL done with anything. You still don't have the more sign down, but will say ma, ma for more. And you say ma when you want your water or milk too.
  • Like to drink from a straw. Which is very convenience for dining out!
  • do NOT like to have hats on..... UGH! Frustrating for Mom.
  • Eat like a champ. Your favorites are all fruits and yogurt melts. You have also tried juice a couple of times and really seem to like that. But we aren't buying that to have at the house quite yet. Lance doesn't like it still, so we'll stick to milk and water for now.
  • Go to bed between 6:45 and 7. And sleep until 7 ish. Most nights.... You MUST have your pacifiers - all 4 of them! one for your mouth, one for each hand, and a spare for when the others fall out of the crib in the middle of the night.
  • Have almost given up that last nighttime bottle. You only drink a few ounces, so we are almost done with bottles... sad and happy all at the same time.
  • Are so close to walking! You took several steps on your own at your birthday party, so I think we're getting close.
  • Want to be everywhere your brother is, but he doesn't want you to be everywhere he is all the time. Sometimes he likes to share and look out for you and other times he wants you nowhere near. Hopefully that will soon pass.
  • Are a CLIMBER for sure. Watch out Mom and Dad...
  • Are an amazingly happy little guy. You smile and giggle so much and bring a lot of life and happiness to our every day.

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