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Sunday, December 22, 2013

Gant Christmas_2013

The weekend before Christmas we always look forward to the GANT family get together and celebration! Adult night out then gift opening the next day. Always a good time. I didn't snap too many this year (seemed to be a trend for me this year) The iPhone captured more than the good camera..... ah well.

Uncle Bryon giving Lance a run for his money - Lance wants attention, he got it! Uncle style.LOL

Maybe a few drinks in...... Nicky the photo bomber too!! 
Lance wanted to wear this for the festivities so I said "why not!" Pretty cute stuff. I'll miss this 4 year old spirit someday. Hopefully not too soon though.
He could care less that Grandma was reading a poem to us all, he wanted to play a song on his new keyboard - in the middle of the kitchen. 
Family picture time. Which went amazingly well this year! 
All 12 grandkids.
FUN, FUN times.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

the SIMPLE things

For weeks leading up to the concert, I listened to sweet 4 year old versions of Rudolph, We wish you a Merry Christmas, and Jingle Bells (we heard it so much that little 2 year old Chase even chimed in with his own version of 'yee-yaa bells") As the day got closer, the songs started to sound more familiar and Lance was tuned in to EVERY detail of what would happen the night of the concert. (His clothes, the order of the songs, the treat he was to ring) Pure excitement! We counted down the days just like we do for the Gant Christmas and Santa.
I'm telling you, Lance is one happy boy and he does smile and giggle often, but the grin on his face as he sat in front of the room of parents and grandparents, I don't know that I've seen him much happier! Brings a smile to my heart just re-living those moments. He sang those songs and tapped his toes and was living JOY the entire time. It was our first concert experience and I can't wait for the next one, or two or three - especially if they will ALL bring this much happiness! What a wonderful additional to the other Christmas season traditions.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

it's the MOST wonderful time of the year!

Yes, I have been in blogger slacker mode since, Oh about September. Rest assure I will be backdating a few blog posts, hopefully before the New Year rings in! BUT, before I start those past posts I decided I must start with my most favorite time of the year, perhaps one of my most favorite weekends of the year - NO, NOT Black Friday shopping....... Cutting down the tree & decorating the house! I might get that little kid excitement on this weekend, and even more now with two (ok, 3) boys sharing in the same giddy excitement :-)

As we sat by this little fire, Lance asked when we would be making our next camping trip, and proceeded to ask about camping about 5 or 6 times throughout the weekend. It makes us pretty happy that he shares our love of the camping adventures.
Oh, where does the time go - look at this sweet little toddler!
I caught him - with a BIG grin on his face.
 These boys were cracking me up..... While Dad went to get the saw, Chase got so angry that I made him sit so he pulled the hat over his eyes... which Lance thought was hilarious! It then turned into a peek a boo game and I was able to capture some pure, genuine Lance and Chase smiles - love it!
 I think this is the ONE Dad :-)

Lance wanted to be right there in the action.

We got it home and set up and Daisy would NOT stay out of the tree - she was SO convinced there was a bird hiding in there..... I am somewhat nervous that we might come home to a horizontal tree with broken ornaments one of these days.
And although we aren't big Black Friday shoppers, we did head out later in the day as a family and made this fun purchase (or so we thought to be fun) ..... No wonder it was a cheap buy! In only 2 days I think we have had to put the thing back on the track at least 50 times - I am NOT exaggerating! I am going to be offering the boys each 1 ticket for fixing it a day. That seems fair, right?

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Happy Birthday to CHASE!

I promised myself that even if I get behind with my blog I would not let a birthday update pass. Time for me to reflect on how lucky I really am to have such beautiful miracles in my life! And to jot down some fun memories at this stage in their lives. I haven't yet decided if I am excited, nervous, or pre-exhausted (is that a word?) for Chase's TWO's! lol. Of course I look forward to how he will grow and things he will learn during this next year, but it means that most of that little "baby" that I have left is drifting away...... Chase is abundantly blessed with energy, charm and a short temper. He is working on those words so hard, but many of them just don't translate to anything we understand.... It's frustrating, but oh is it ever adorable. When he comes up to me and just blabbers a sentence knowing full-well everything he is saying - and then it ends with a slight tilt of his ear to his shoulder and this flirtatious smile :-) Gets me EVERY time - even when I might be a little upset.

My heart grew bigger than I thought possible September 22nd, 2011. And although there are days I'm just not sure if this is what I should be doing, I am fortunate enough to be spending these days that everyone talks about never getting back and going by so quickly at home with such a lovable little growing toddler. On to my Chase updates and pictures.

CHASE, at 2 years old YOU:
  • have started to ask that one cute, but at times annoying question of WHY or "why-a" about 20 times a day.
  • have a fetish for things on your arms/hands. Lance's spider man glove, hats, socks... you just put them on then walk around and do your normal stuff, play in your kitchen, etc. with them on.
  • run away, anyway but toward me, when it's time for a diaper or clothes change - UGH. I don't need to go further on this one. Probably seems humorous to many and when I read this is several years I might smile, but really KID, it's NOT funny.
  • sing "HI HO, HI HO" in the sweetest, cutest little voice. We sing this for many occasions. It helps me get you moving. "Hi Ho, Hi Ho, to get shoes on we go....."
  • just want to do everything your brother does, and if you see that something upsets him, like taking a toy, you do it over and over again (and run faster than I've ever seen you run with a HUGE grin on your face)
  • like to scream, sometimes for a reason, sometimes not, but you just scream. It's loud, it's unpleasant, nothing about it is cute. I can't lie - I really dislike it. I'm still struggling with this one. It's slowly getting better....
  • are in love with Popsicles! Well, really anything with sugar - but Popsicles this summer. Suckers, jelly beans, candy "dindy"
  • LOVE trains - which right now sounds something like "Chiz" You say "All aboard" with your hands cupped around your mouth and just love to read books about trains, do train puzzles, see pictures of trains and watch videos of trains on Daddy's phone. As soon as he walks in the door from work it's your first word while you stand at his feet looking up at him! About a month before your birthday you were all about firetrucks (or fa-fucks, ya - you read right and it's embarrassing in public, but that's your word for them)
  • can feed yourself with a spoon and fork just fine, but constantly ask for "elp" Help! Not just occasionally, but ALL the time.
  • Say "Ewwww, grooosssss" when we change your diaper. And we also now have to pretend to change your baby's diaper before we change your diaper. Dad might disagree with me, but you and that baby doll you carry around is pretty sweet I must say.
  • point out stop signs all over the city - and you put your hand out in that back seat when you say it - Love it. Oh, the little things.
  • have lots of words, but one of my favorites right now is "olk" which is your word for cold. But you say it when its just windy, not really cold. It's a game now. I'll say "it's not cold Chase" and you get that big grin on your face and then say "indy" for windy.
  • your favorite book is Goodnight Train
  • your favorite food is Mac n Cheese - the frozen wheels are your preference.
  • love to be outside, like most toddlers and boys especially. You play with your "mo-mo" mower the most, but have started to take a liking to golf, which Dad likes just a little I think.
I really haven't done the official 2 year pics, these are just a couple from a day at the park when I had the camera with. Since Chase was into fire trucks, I was planning a fire truck party so I took some of him in front of an old fire station, but since then he is really more into Trains.... Ah well, I got a couple cute ones for the party invites anyway!
 For those of you who never get to see him without a smile on his face, we do have a few of these faces in a given day.
 Looking like such a little toddler.

Chase, thank you for keeping me on my toes and for allowing me endless smiles and laughs each week, even if they are accompanied by a few rough moments. You are teaching me things about myself and helping me realize some finer things in life, no doubt. You truly are one happy, very happy little boy. You are sad at the things 2 years olds are supposed to get sad about and I often forget that. Aside from that normal growing and learning frustrations, you are as perfect as they come! We are so incredibly lucky to have two happy, healthy, growing, intelligent little boys full of personality. So fun to think what these next year will bring. I love you and Happy 2nd birthday!

Monday, August 26, 2013

Lance -1st day of Pre-K

..... and don't you dare call it "pre-school" folks! This pre-K is big stuff compared to pre-school. LOL. Lance was pretty pumped to get back to school. When I asked him what he was most excited about he really couldn't tell me. But now that we are two weeks in (yes, I am again behind on posting) he is never at loss for words. He tells me all about who he played with, who the leader of the day was, the snack they ate, and on and on.... And I'm safe to say so far that painting might be his favorite part of "pre-K"

Chase is NOT too happy about leaving his brother off - OR the fact that he knows as soon as he gets home it's to bed for nap! (And he has definitely protested those starting this new routine) He's also cutting them a little short. Hmmm.....

The back-pack for the year!
 So, don't let this sweet picture fool you - Minutes leading up to this was Chase fussing because he wanted the back pack like his brother, and then several more minutes of Lance whining that it was his.... after some convincing (or demands perhaps) Lance gave in and decided to let Chase have a turn...
 and BOY was he excited to be just like his big brother!
 Lance is not into this picture business - this is what I got for the 1st day of pre-K! It's who he is - and I do love him :-)

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Holy BATMAN, Lance is 4 years old!

Wow, 4 years, passed by JUST like that! I don't even remember what our lives consisted of before Lance came into this world. He is one talkative, LOUD, fun-loving, compassionate, dramatic, goofy, consistent little boy. As I reflect and think only about what comes to mind when I think about Lance, all I can think about is that you watch him and see exactly what it looks like to just LOVE life. Almost all of the time (not 100% because he is a typical 4 year old) he just takes what is happening and enjoys it to its fullest. You give him a beach ball and the kid can laugh and giggle and find something fun to do with it (again, most of the time)

He loves his little brother to pieces. A new routine at nap and bedtime is for Lance to give Chase a hug and kiss - talk about heart melting moments as a Mom :-) On the other hand, those two just KNOW how to push each others buttons. They know exactly how to get that scream, cry or whine in an instant....... But then I see them play together and giggle (and try to talk too) and I wonder how I can freeze moments in time? I would be the richest person on earth if I came up with that miraculous formula, right?

I really need to start one of those quote books, because the questions and phrases a 4 year old comes up with can create smiles and change your mood in an instant........ He's so curious and so smart. This kid remembers the smallest details and events from 2 years ago. He hears everything and soaks it ALL in.

My favorite part of the day is still our nighttime prayers where Lance will thank God for 2 things (sometimes more) each night. His frequent prayers are for his cozy bed and "you, Mommy!" But I love hearing him come up with things from the day (trips to the Zoo, playing in the sprinkler, library books, his chicken noodle soup!)  These creative minds and young innocent hearts - I wish I could wrap them up and keep them locked away.

Sad and happy - I'll never get these 4 years back, but I can reflect on what he has brought to our lives in 4 years. Some challenging and exhausting days, no doubt - but really those compare nothing to the days that he has created smiles and that warm/chilling feeling on the heart. I can describe it no other way. It's just that feeling of "I am so blessed and lucky to be given these moments" with one happy, healthy, delightful little boy.

Below are some fun pictures of Lance as Batman exploring downtown, watching for villains. :-) He had so much fun - ALL smiles.

Happy 4th birthday Lance! Thank you for 4 years of daily entertainment and life fulfillment. I love you more than YOU love going to look at Batman toys at Target and Wal-Mart :-) And that is a LOT of LOVE right now, let me just tell you!